
In all the great buildings there’s a sense of magic, an illusory defiance of physical laws - the dramatic cantilever, or the impossibly slender support. We see this magic as a spark of imagination broken down into a mechanical process. It's this alchemy that makes architecture exciting, and in turn, our work as engineers interesting and rewarding, which it always should be.

It’s tempting for an engineer, when pleased with the work, to expose structural complexity for all to see. With few exceptions, we believe this is a mistake. The engineer should remain hidden. For us, the very best engineering is unseen, invisible to the eye, but essential to the overall form.

Good engineering adds value. And our objective is to create value for our clients through good design, by decreasing construction cost, improving structural integrity, and creating a better living and built environment.

The essential qualities of fineness, lightness, elegance - the polar opposites of clumsy, chunky and crude - are those which we strive for in all of our work.

Our principles

Purity of design

Fitness of purpose

Economy of construction

Lightness of structure